Note: Seules les inscriptions saisies avec une adresse courriel uOttawa seront acceptées.
Note: Only registrations using a uOttawa email address will be accepted.
Apprentissage en ligne | Online Learning | |
Tutoriel Excel Tutorial Préparez-vous à la certification Microsoft Excel Associé à votre propre rythme. Prepare for the Microsoft Excel Associate certification at your own pace. |
Clubs | |
Ligue de gestion d'actifs Telfet (LGAT) | Telfer Asset Management League (TAML) (Début-Start: 16-JAN-2025 @ 14h30-15h30) |
Fermé/Closed |
Fermé/Closed |
Affiliations | Partnerships | |
CFA Institute |
Compétitions | Competitions | |
Telfer Trading Competition | Closed | Closed |
Rotman Microsoft Excel Hackathon | Inscription | Registration (TBC) |
Défi HeadStart Challenge | Inscription | Registration (Mar 2024) |
Démos & Ateliers | Demos & Workshop | |||
Mardi | Tuesday |
Mercredi | Wednesday | Jeudi | Thursday | |
04-FEB HeadStart - Unit 4 | Registration
05-FEB HeadStart - Unité 4 | Inscription
Astuce Excel Telfer | Telfer Weekly Excel Hacks
06-FEB Biz Labo | Lab Biz
11-FEB HeadStart - Unit 5 | Registration
12-FEB HeadStart - Unité 5 | Inscription
Astuce Excel Telfer | Telfer Weekly Excel Hacks
13-FEB Biz Labo | Lab Biz
18-FEB Semaine de lecture Reading Week |
19-FEB Semaine de lecture Reading Week |
20-FEB Semaine de lecture Reading Week |
25-FEB HeadStart - DCF | Registration
26-FEB HeadStart - DCF | Inscription
Astuce Excel Telfer | Telfer Weekly Excel Hacks
27-FEB Biz Labo | Lab Biz
04-MAR HeadStart - RV | Registration
05-MAR HeadStart - RV | Inscription
Astuce Excel Telfer | Telfer Weekly Excel Hacks
06-MAR Revue LGAT | TAML Review
Biz Labo | Lab Biz
12-MAR Astuce Excel Telfer | Telfer Weekly Excel Hacks
13-MAR Biz Labo | Lab Biz
18-MAR Défi HeadStart Challenge Présentations - Pitches
19-MAR Rotman Microsoft Excel Hackathon
20-MAR Biz Labo | Lab Biz