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French resources in Health Sciences

Identify quality information

Finding trustworthy information


Use our validated and evaluated resources such as our databases:  Medline,  CINAHLNursing and Allied Health Database , DynaMed, or our collections of e-books,

Consult our specialized research libguides, e.g. Medicine, Nursing, for databases and book collections. List of research libguides by specialties.


Use the reputable resources available that cover different angles of health problems: 


If you find information on the Internet or through any resource and are in doubt, use the guides provided in the "Evaluating Sources and Resources" or "Verifying the Facts" box below to validate the information, facts or statements!


Good research !!

Evaluating Sources and Resources in Health

Assessing health care resources


Online Health Information Aid - McGill University

  • Online Health Information Aid provides tips and resources on searching, evaluating, and using online health information. Please take a look on the section for COVID-19.
  • COVID-19 : On this page dedicated to COVID-19, you will find selected resources for navigating and understanding the information related to the pandemic.


COVID-19 Myths and misinformation - University of Toronto




Fiabilité de l'information : Évaluer le contenu en ligne (in French)

  • Page de synthèse réalisée par les Bibliothèques des sciences de la santé, Université de Montréal: 1. Qualité et validité du contenu; 2.  Autorité de la source; 3. Mise à jour; 4. Facilité d'utilisation
  • Fun but effective: the Foutaisometre! The Foutaisometer provides criteria for assessing the quality of a source (FRENCH).


Evaluating clinical guidelines: you can use one of these tools.


Evaluating the sources of Grey Literature, two tests are commonly used:

  • The CRAAP Test : Currency, Relevance, Authority, Accuracy, Purpose
  • The CARS checklist: Credibility, Accuracy, Reasonableness, Support

Myth Busters

World Health Organization


COVID-19 Pandemic Wikipedia page


COVID-19 Myths and misinformation - University of Toronto


Online Health Information Aid - McGill University

  • Online Health Information Aid provides tips and resources on searching, evaluating, and using online health information. Please take a look on the section for COVID-19.
  • COVID-19 : On this page dedicated to COVID-19, you will find selected resources for navigating and understanding the information related to the pandemic. Portal

Checking the facts

Here are some resources you can consult to better verify the quality of the information you have found :