Voici une liste non-exhaustive de collections de livrels en santé et médecine qui offrent du contenu en français.
Collections and resources of University of Ottawa, and more:
Mesurer la scienceVincent Larivière , Cassidy R. Sugimoto |
Des idées reçues en santé mondialeCollectif , Fatoumata Ouattara , Valéry Ridde |
Is Two-Tier Health Care the Future? Colleen M. Flood, Bryan Thomas 2020 Published by: University of Ottawa Press ISBN: 9780776628080 |
Longchamp, Philippe
Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF)
ISBN 978-2-8895-0051-2 |
Manger en ville. Regards socio-anthropologiques d’Afrique, d’Amérique latine et d’Asie Audrey Soula, Chelsie Yount-André , Olivier Lepiller , Nicolas Bricas
Éditions Quae
ISBN: 978-2-7592-3091-4
Note: The english version of this book, Eating in the city, is available.
Aging People, Aging Places: Experiences, Opportunities, and Challenges of Growing Older in Canada Hartt, Maxwell and Samantha Biglieri 2021 Book Published by: Bristol University Press ISBN 9781447352570