Welcome to the University of Ottawa Library guide for how to use Omni.
Omni is the main search tool for the University of Ottawa Library.
Omni searches the University of Ottawa Library's collection and the physical collections of the 18 Omni partner libraries. Omni includes data from many of the databases the Library subscribes to, as well as from the uO Research institutional repository. You can use Omni to find books, book chapters, journals, scholarly articles, newspaper articles, reference entries, dissertations and theses, conference proceedings, maps, images, musical scores, government documents, audio visual material, and more.
Members of the University of Ottawa community can request items from the University of Ottawa Library and from the 18 Omni partner libraries through Omni. Members can also use Omni to submit an interlibrary loan request for items not in Omni.
The basics for searching with Omni.
If you need more control over your search.
If you want to reduce irrelevant search results.
If you are interested in other ways Omni can help you.
Track your loans, requests, saved records, saved searches, and more.
Place a hold on items in Omni and pick them up when they are ready.
Have other questions about Omni? Check the FAQ in case they've already been answered.