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Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology

Tête : ressources d'anatomie animée en 3D / Head : Animated 3D resources

********** Anatomy TV  **********

Tête et cou / Head and Neck 

3D Atlas of the Head and Neck 

Human Anatomy and physiology : Special senses


Par spécialités / Clinical Specialities 


Maladies et conditions / Disease and conditions


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********** Visible Body Suite  **********

Anatomy & Physiology

Manuel animé - Pour avoir une vue d'ensemble du corp humain/ Animated textbook - To have an overview of the humain body.

  • Nervous System and Special Senses (Chap. 23).
  • Muscle Tissue and Muscular System - Facial expression, Head movements... (Chap 16.6 to 16.15)


 Human Anatomy Atlas -- Regions : HEAD and NECK

Tête et cou : modèle 3D pour explorer et apprendre les composantes du corps humain. Cliquez sur Views pour sélectionner la tête ou la boite cranienne. /   Head and Neck: 3D model to explore and learn the various componants of the human body. Click on Views to select the Skull or Cranial Fossae. 


Muscles and Kinesiology

  • Muscle Index: Dictionnaire animé des muscles du corps / Animations of all the muscles
  • Regions: Explorez les différentes planches par parties du corps / Explore the illustrations and animation by Regions : Head & Neck
  •  Muscle Actions, Biomechanics...:  En haut, activez les animations pour les muscles en actions, leur biomechanisme, etc..


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Livrels & ressources interactives / Dymanic textbook and resources

Anatomy & Physiology

Lindsay M. Biga, Sierra Dawson, Amy Harwell, Robin Hopkins, Joel Kaufmann, Mike LeMaster, Philip Matern, Katie Morrison-Graham, Devon Quick and Jon Runyeon; Date Published: 2020 ; License: CC BY-SA
Suggestions de lecture / Reading suggestions:

KHAN Academy : Ce site en anglais contient une foule de vidéos pour apprendre par vous même l'anatomie et la physiologie. Ex:

Livrels et manuels / Textbooks and e-books

Ebsco eBook Collection

3D animated Anatomy Resources

Anatomy TV : offers detailed, accurate and evidence-based 3D reconstruction of human anatomy.  Explore, learn and master!  Prepare for lab time, and study for exams with confidence. Engage with 3D models using intuitive functions to rotate, add or remove anatomy, and identify and learn more about any visible structure. 

Contents photos, x-rays, images, videos, quiz...

Huaman Anatomy Atlas

The Human Anatomy Atlas contains more than 4600 anatomical structures, including all major organs and systems of the human body. This module's features include detailed definitions, self-guided learning with hundreds of quizzes, and the ability to save custom 3D views & personal notes.

Anatomy & Phisiology

The Anatomy & Physiology provides anatomy and physiology's core concepts in a self-guided course through illustrations, 3D models, animations and quizzes.


Multidisciplinary videos

alexander street press

Rehabilitation Therapy in Video is the largest and richest streaming video resource ever assembled for the study of occupational therapy, physical/physiotherapy, and speech-language pathology. The collection allows students and faculty to easily find, cite, and share footage of top clinicians and academics explaining the underlying anatomical and neurological issues in specific patient populations, while demonstrating effective techniques and methods for their treatment. All of the video has been thoroughly indexed to allow users to search and filter content by patient details, therapist specialization, treatment method, presenting problem, and more.

Alexander Street Press

Sports Medicine and Exercise Science in Video is an extensive video collection in the areas of fitness and health assessment, disease management, injury treatment, nutrition, medical fitness, sport science, work-site wellness, exercise adherence, and much more. Developed through an exclusive partnership with Healthy Learning, the world’s leading producer of sports medicine videos, the collection features an array of internationally renowned physicians, exercise scientists, certified athletic trainers, physical therapists, registered dietitians, sport psychologists, personal trainers, and health/wellness experts who share information, ideas, and insights on the principles, techniques, and modalities of modern exercise science and sports medicine.

Kanopy logo


Kanopy offers a unique multidisciplinary collection of online videos and that meets the research interests of our community. There is a specific collection for Health videos in this collection that includes Child Health, Medicine, Mental Health, Nursing and Sport & Physiotherapy.