ARTstor: Offline Image Presentation Tool (OIV)

Save the presentation

From the File menu bar item, select Save for the current file, or choose Save as to Save with a different name, Save in Legacy Format, or Save as a Read-Only Slide Presentation.

Saving in legacy format

Recommended in order to read a copy of the presentation in a different OIV version. Otherwise, files created or saved, for example in OIV 3.0, will not be readable in all other versions of the software.

  • Note: When presentations saved in Legacy Format are read in Public OIV, images downloaded from ARTstor do not appear in the Image Palette workspace.

Saving a read-only version

Saving as a Read-Only Slide Presentation (.shw) is recommended for projecting and sharing. It does not include the Image Palette and by definition cannot be modified. The read-only slide presentation is readable with all other OIV versions.

  • Important: For editing purposes, save the entire presentation prior to saving a read-only version.

When saved at the normal compression level, the file is approximately a quarter of the working presentation (.prs) file size. Note: The higher the quality, the larger the file. Medium is the recommended level for normal use.

Print slides

Print a presentation

Go to the File menu bar item and under Print choose Slides. Various layout printing options are available, some of which include the image data. Various layout printing options are available, some of which include the image data.

Print a selection of slides

  1. Make a selection by clicking on a slide thumbnail from the Slide Sorter workspace. To select more than one, click on the first and the last while holding the Shift key to choose all thumbnails between the two, or hold the Ctrl key to randomly select or deselect.
  2. Right click anywhere in the Slide Sorter workspace and select Print selected slidesVarious layout printing options are available, some of which include the image data.

Print images from the Image Palette workspace

Go to the Image palette page