Communication and Media Studies


To locate the books in our collection, start with OMNI:

Simple Search | Advanced Search | How to Use OMNI

You can use WorldCat to search the collections of other libraries and request books via interlibrary loan service.

How to Search for Books in OMNI

Go to Advanced Search box

→ Under Resource Type, select Books

→ Enter your keyword(s)

Sort or limit your search results by options on the left-hand side.

If a book is available online, enter your login information.

If a book is not available online, note its location and its call number (starts with a letter).

More information on off-campus access.

Handbooks, Encyclopedias & Dictionaries

Consult the following reference works to find definitions or background information. 


This research guide by Téa Rokolj is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0