Follow this link to view the complete list of law databases.
Here is a list of uOttawa resources and public access databases providing access to sports law journal articles.
Base de données intégrale avec possibilité de recherches plein texte aux sources primaires et secondaires relevant du domaine de l'arbitrage ainsi qu'une possibilité de téléchargement des textes dans ce produit unique dont ICCA, PCA et ITA sont des partenaires.
VLex Global and JustisOne have merged to become vLexJustis. This new platform combines a wide range of legal information: case law, legislation, regulations, digests, draft bills, forms and contracts, law reports, legal blogs, official gazettes, books, journals, newspapers, court dockets — from both common and civil law jurisdictions — aided with intelligent tools, such as an AI-powered legal research assistant and graphical visualisation of case law relationships and treatments.
Featured collections available on this new service include the largest collections from UK superior courts, Irish courts, all Caribbean courts, Latin American and Spanish courts, alongside comprehensive coverage from the United States, Canada, continental Europe, Australia, etc.
Access the following databases to locate theses: