International Business

Telfer International Business Live Case Challenge

Welcome to Library Resources for the Telfer International Business Live Case Challenge! 

On this page you will find a video with a refresher on how to access Library resources as well as specific instructions on how to use selected databases for your international market analysis during the case challenge.

Once the case challenge goes live, you will also see links to the top recommended Library databases, governmental and non-governmental websites, as well as direct links to relevant research reports. 

Note: The links to the resources will be hidden until this page goes live on Friday November 8th at 4:00 pm. If you are on campus, please use the secure wi-fi network "eduroam" (NOT uopublic) to access Library resources. 

Good luck!

Emily Da Silva, Research Librarian (Management)

Note to ADM3318/ADM3718 teams: 

  1. Please remember that the company also has access to these sources of information. Your value-added as international business consultants is to use this information in your analyses to make recommendations to company executives.
  2. This wide array of library resources is provided as helpful input to your work. There is no requirement to use all of these resources.

Video Introduction to Library Resources

* You must be connected to Office 365 with your uoAccess ID and password to watch this video. 

Background Information & Business Environment

Background Information

Business Statistics at a Glance

Business Dynamics, Economy, Finance & Trade

World Bank Data Dashboards

Find summary statistics on social, economic and demographic indicators by country.

TIP: Add multiple countries in the top search bar to see data presented in side-by-side comparison. 


Passport Global Market Information Database E-Commerce Reports

Statista E-Commerce Country Region Dossiers 

Find collections of statistics on e-commerce organized by country.

Note: Statista aggregates content from a variety of sources, including governments, market research firms, non-governmental organizations, and data they collect themselves. Always check the original source before relying on a statistic.

E-commerce Industry Associations

United States International Trade Administration Country Commercial Guides 

Find information on e-commerce by country. Note that there is a specific focus on U.S. trade relations.

Entrepreneurship Data & Statistics

Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Country Profiles

View snapshot results by country for GEM's 2023 Adult Population Survey covering topics such as entrepreneurial behaviour and attitudes.  Click on "Policy Brief" for additional contextual information. Most recent data not available for Denmark.