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Evan Sterling

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Evan Sterling
Coordonnées | Contact:
Pour l'automne 2023, je travaille sur campus 3 jours par semaine, à Morisset 110. S.v.p. m'envoyez un courriel en avant pour confirmer ma presence. Je suis également disponible sur MS Teams 5 jours. |
For the fall 2023 semester, I am working from campus 3 days per week in Morisset 110. Email me ahead to confirm. I'm also available by MS Teams all week.


Last update: Apr 23, 2024 90 views
Last update: Apr 23, 2024 223 views
Biomedical Engineering
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Last update: Apr 23, 2024 129 views
Last update: Apr 25, 2024 3879 views
Last update: Jul 24, 2024 332 views
Engineering Management
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Génie civil
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Génie mécanique
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Gestion en Ingénierie
Last update: Jul 8, 2024 316 views
Les brevets
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Last update: Apr 23, 2024 122 views
Last update: Apr 23, 2024 235 views
Mechanical Engineering
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Last update: Apr 23, 2024 28 views
Last update: Apr 23, 2024 7 views
Last update: Apr 23, 2024 209 views
Last update: Jul 24, 2024 22 views
Last update: Apr 23, 2024 31 views

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