Engineering Management


This engineering management research guide is your gateway to the most relevant research materials you need. Research tools are arranged by category and can be accessed by selecting from the tabs above.

Need help? I am working from home during the pandemic, but you can always email me, or set up a virtual (e.g. MS Teams or Skype) appointment using the button on this page. See my page on researching off-campus.

Introduction to Library Research

Consult the Technical Report Writing for Science and Engineering guide to learn how to choose a topic, prepare a keyword search and find information sources.

Other Relevant Research Guides

Bibliothécaire | Librarian

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Evan Sterling
Pour l'automne 2023, je travaille sur campus 3 jours par semaine, à Morisset 110. S.v.p. m'envoyez un courriel en avant pour confirmer ma presence. Je suis également disponible sur MS Teams 5 jours. |
For the fall 2023 semester, I am working from campus 3 days per week in Morisset 110. Email me ahead to confirm. I'm also available by MS Teams all week.

Ce guide en français
