If a reference was added to Zotero from Google Scholar, a database or another Web site, it may have a link that will bring you back to it online where you can locate the full-text.
Task for learning: Identify one or two of your references in Zotero that do not have full-text attachments. Try the double-clicking method to see if that helps you obtain full-text.
Review question:
If you have questions, or if you run into problems that the course does not address, e-mail the University of Ottawa Library at bibliolibrary@uOttawa.ca.
This online course is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license. Unless otherwise stated, it is attributed to Mish Boutet, and is based on handouts by Patrick Labelle (also under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0).
[How to Use Zotero online course updated: November 8, 2022]