Population Health

I can help you

Having trouble finding the perfect article or resource for your research project? Or are you interested in undertaking a systematic review and don't know where to start? I can help! Whether it's on an individual basis or in a small group, I can meet with you to get your project started or to help you get out of a bind. Please use the appointment scheduling system below or contact me by email. Thank you.

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Bibliothécaire | Librarian

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Nigele Langlois
elle / she
Je travaille à la fois de la maison et au bureau, veuillez me contacter pour connaître mes disponibilités sur le campus.

Mon bureau se situe à la Bibliothèque des sciences de la santé (Roger-Guindon), salle 1020G.

Couriel: nigele.langlois@uottawa.ca


I'm working both from home and at the office, please contact me for my availability on campus.

My office is located at the Health Sciences Library (Roger-Guindon), room 1020G.

Email: nigele.langlois@uottawa.ca