The Census Program provides a statistical portrait of the country every five years. The most recent census was completed in 2016 and includes the Census of Population and the Census of Agriculture.
Statistics Canada releases a variety of statistical products for each census year. Below are links to some of these products, along with a brief description.
Cartographic boundary files are a series of products containing the boundaries of standard geographic areas together with the shoreline around Canada and larger inland lakes, all integrated in a single layer. They are used to map Census of Population data, and can also be used with Census of Agriculture, National Household Survey, or other Statistics Canada data.
The following years of Census boundary files are available for direct download:
Often, smaller census geographies fit together to make one larger geography, such as how census tracts (CTs) fit together to make one census metropolitan area (CMA). However, not every census geography fits perfectly inside other geographies. CMAs / CAs are only available every corner of each province or territory, for example, as they are only urban areas. This hierarchical model of census geographies from Statistics Canada will be better help identify which geographies fit within each others, while the 2016 interactive index on census geographies will help better help visualize these geographies.
Help guides (Screencasts) from Statistics Canada
The Canadian Census Analyser is a custom built search and retrieval program of Census Data that are maintained by (CHASS) at the University of Toronto.Includes profiles at dissemination, census tracts, census divisions, census subdivisions, federal electoral districts or provincials levels, some data going back to 1961.