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Music: Music Scores in the Library Collections

Find Music Scores with OMNI


Finding  musical scores for performance or study is often challenging.

It is usually more effective to use the advanced search screen of the Library's discovery tool, rather than the general search box to find performance materials available at the Library.

The advance search interface  offers more customization options to find specific formats such as scores.

Circulation of Performance Scores


Multiple copies of choral sheet music. Location Reserve-Chorals  (mchoi)

These scores circulate only to choir conductors. One copy is given the code MRT-CHOI and located in reserve. The other copies are given the location YSTO and are kept at the Annex. They are recalled from the Annex by request   Parts are distributed to members of the ensembles, by the  conductor who will obtains the signature of the borrower of each part and is responsible for the return of the parts.

Multi-parts orchestral music scores and parts. Location Reserve-Orchestre (morch)

They are located behind the circulation desk. These scores circulate only to the School of Music orchestra conductors. They are recalled from the Annex by request. Parts are distributed to members of the orchestra, by the conductor who will obtains the signature of the borrower of each part and is responsible for the return of the parts.

Multi-part band and harmony music scores and parts. Location Reserve- Harmony (Location mharm)

They are located behind the circulation desk at the library. These scores circulate only to band music conductors and repertoire teachers. They are recalled from the Annex by request. Parts are distributed to members of the ensembles, by the conductor or repertoire teacher who will obtain the signature of the borrower of each part and is responsible for the return of the parts.

The ensemble conductor cannot delegate the responsibility for retrieving, distributing and returning the scores to a member of the ensemble.

Find Scores by Call Numbers

Music scores at the Library are arranged according the Library of Congress classification system. Call numbers for music scores start with the letter M and can be found in various location at the Library (see location codes). 

Please note that sound recordings follow a different classification scheme. To find sound recording, use OMNI to retrieve the work you need and limit your search  to material type  "Audiovisual".

Find Scores in the "Complete Works" using Grove Music Online

Step 1. Access Grove Music Online and search for a specific composer. Composers have comprehensive biographical entries.

Step 2. Click on "Works"  from the navigation menu. The complete editions are listed at the top of the list of works.

Note the abbreviations associated with each complete edition or catalogue.

Step 3. Find the entry for the piece you are looking for. Use CTRL-F to find a piece quickly.

The right-hand columns will  provide the location of the piece in specific editions and catalogues. Entries will  usually include volumes and page numbers.


Step 4.  Locate the complete works on the shelf  (MRT-GEN  4th floor). The complete works are located in section M3They are organized alphabetically by composers. For example the complete editions of Mozart would be in section M3 M