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Before to start...

Before to start any knowledge synthesis, you need to open an account with :

  • Citation manager (Zotero, Mendeley, EndNote...) --> choose one 
  • Covidence --> Registration
  • Ovid, Ebsco, Proquest or any plateform that manages the databases you’ll query


Get familiar with the process of producing knowledge synthesis:

  • For an overview of the process, consult the guide to Systematic Reviews
  • Listen to the various videos or tutorials below


S'y retrouver dans les outils ! / Tools to navigate the literature ?

Systematic Reviews: guides, manuals and videos

Systematic Reviews

If you want to explore and consulte the ressources of Cochrane Training




For more information on what you need to know when starting a comprehensive review, don't hesitate to consult the uOttawa Library Systematic Review Guide:

Scoping review : guides, manuals and videos

Scoping Review






University of Ottawa Library now has an institutional subscription to Covidence, a web-based software platform that streamlines the production of systematic reviews. It should be noted that, while Covidence specifically mentions systematic reviews, it has also been used for comprehensive literature reviews, scoping reviews, meta-syntheses, meta-narratives, and other types of literature reviews. It can also be used for any discipline including health sciences, medicine, social sciences, environmental sciences, biology, management, education, and so forth.


For more information, please visit our libguide Covidence


To learn more about  Covidence:

**** Nouveauté ****** New **** 


Apprenez avec Covidence / Learn with Covidence

Covidence offre une série de didacticiels pour améliorer les synthèses de connaissance. Sont proposés les formations et articles suivants (English only) /  Covidence offers a new serie of tutorials to improve your knowledge synthesis. The following training, tutorials and articles are available:


The University of Ottawa has a subscription to NVivo. All affiliates can download it free of charge.

NVIVO @ uOttawa


Tutorials and training

The University of Ottawa IT department provided a webinar a little while ago, and the recording is available here:  

And the grey lit ???

Ah !! the grey literature !  An importante stage of research for knowledge synthesis, it completes the research in traditional databases


Guide for Grey Literature – uOttawa


Guide for Grey Literature – U Toronto

Very good guides, lot of information !  What Is Grey Literature? (English only)



Must to know : CADTH resources for knowledge synthesis, assessments, many very good resources. Explore them and use them for your reviews !

Finding the evidence:

Grey Matters: a practical tool for searching health-related grey literature



Don't forget to explore other types of documents as: