Shakespeare Studies

This guide will house course pages related to the Bard.



This guide is designed for English and Theatre students enrolled in classes focusing on the works of  William Shakespeare. This is a selective guide to books, journals, databases, multimedia and websites for Shakespeare Studies and lists resources identified for specific courses.


Do not hesitate to contact me if you need assistance using the resources listed in this guide.


Suggestions for purchase

The library welcomes all suggestions regarding the potential purchase of material for its collections.

Do not hesitate to send me an e-mail at, providing as much information about the item as you can – title, author, publisher, year of publication, ISBN #, format, etc.  I will do my best to ensure the item is added to the collections promptly.

Related Libguides


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Ann Hemingway
Bibliothèque Morisset Library

Off-Campus Access

If you are off-campus you can access electronic resources via the library's proxy server.  Consult the document below for information on your off campus user name and password.

For additional information on off campus access, click here.