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APA PsycInfo
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This database is available on two different interfaces:
APA PsycInfo on Ovid interface
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APA PsycInfo on ProQuest interface
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APA PsycTests
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Consult the DSM-5
Access the 2022 Text Revision of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.
Access the latest and previous editions of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.
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APA Dictionary of Psychology
Consult comprehensive resources on topics such as behaviour, counseling, addiction, testing, research methods and more.
APA Handbooks in Psychology
Consult comprehensive resources on topics such as behaviour, counseling, addiction, testing, research methods and more.
Oxford Research Encyclopedias - Psychology
Go beyond Wikipedia and browse more than 400 in-depth entries written by experts on a range of important and timely topics.
Psychology in the Real World
Explore the field through an investigation of both established and emerging topics.
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Counseling and Therapy in Video
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