Geography, Geomatics, and Environmental Studies


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Citing Resources Found in the GSG Centre

Examples of citation

The following are some citation examples of cartographic products:

Map on a Single Sheet

Basic Form Example
Author. Title. Edition. Scale. Place of publication: Publisher, Date. Canada Center for Remote Sensing. Canada.  Scale 1:4,000,000.  Ottawa: Natural Resources Canada, GeoAccess Division, 2001.

Map in a Topographic Series

Basic Form Example
Author. Sheet title from the series. Edition. Scale. Series, sheet number. Place of publication: Publisher, Date. Natural Resources Canada. Ottawa, Ontario-Quebec. Edition 11.  Scale 1:50,000. Canada 1:50,000, 31 G/5. Ottawa: Center for Topographic Information, 1998.

Map in a Series (Not Topographic)

Basic Form Example
Author. Sheet title. Edition. Scale. Series title and/or number. Place of publication: Publisher, Date. Soil Research Institute (Canada). Ottawa, Quebec-Ontario. Scale 1:250,000. Canada Land Inventory, Land Capability for Forestry, 31G. Ottawa: Lands Directorate, 1973.

Aerial photographs

Basic Form Example
Author. Title or frame number(s). Scale. Flight title (if part of flight). Line/roll number. Photo number. Place of publication: Publisher, Date of image collection (NOT date of reproduction). Energy, Mines and Resources Canada.  Central Experiment Farm (A17150-9). Scale 1:16,350.  Ottawa: NAPL Reproduction Center, 1961.

Geospatial Data

Basic Form Example
Name of Data Producer. Title of Geospatial Product [format]. Date of data, if known. Name of person who generated map; Name of interactive site used to generate map; URL (generated date). DMTI Spatial Inc. Route File (RTE) - 2014. Generated by John Doe; using Scholars GeoPortal; (December 15, 2017).

General citation guidelines