This online handout gives direct links to additional information for your assignments in DTI7101. It is a supplement to the full Digital Transformation and Innovation research guide, which you can access from the tabs above. In particular, see the page on finding research articles in this field.
You may want to bookmark this page as well as the Management Library page for quick access.
Our research guides can help you by giving you links to the most relevant and useful resources we have access to on a given subject.
Take time to learn how different search engines and databases work to improve your search results.
The process whereby the impact or "quality" of an article is assessed by counting the number of times other authors mention it in their work.
One of the most widely known citation analysis tools is Web of Science which began in print in 1961.
More databases and web-based resources are making citation analysis more useful and widespread. Scopus has developed a tool called Citation Tracker, where citation analysis has become simple and easy to do. To know more about Scopus and its features, consult their Quick Reference Guide.
See also: Article Impact Metrics
Review the Starting your Research section of this guide, and in particular this guide from North Carolina State University Writing and Speaking Tutorial Service:
Keep track of where and how your searched by using this:
Looking for examples of literature reviews? Consult theses and dissertations:
Using Mendeley to save your references from databases? Review this handy guide created by York University Libraries:
If a book is not in our catalogue or an article not available in full-text, you can try to get it from another library by interlibrary loan through RACER, our free interlibrary loan service.