Citation management

Getting started with EndNote


EndNote is a commercial bibliographic management tool used to manage references and prepare bibliographies.

A desktop version of EndNote for Windows or Mac is available for purchase and can be installed on up to three computers.

The Health Sciences Library provides access to the desktop version on about twenty computers in its computer lab.

The Library provides access to an online version of EndNote, which offers similar (although not comprehensive) functionality. Follow these steps to access EndNote online for the first time and to create an account:

  1. Access the Web of Science database
  2. Click the "Sign In" button in the upper right corner
  3. Click "Sign In" again (if you have a Web of Science/EndNote account) or "Register" (to create an account)
  4. Click "EndNote" in the top menu bar in the centre of the screen (a new tab or window opens)
  5. Start using EndNote online

After creating an account, you can access EndNote online here:

You can download additional extensions along with the Cite-While-You-Write plug-in for Microsoft Word by clicking on the Options tab in EndNote online and then on "Download Installers."

The following guides have been developed by the Library:

Tutorials and help

Please consult the following resources on the EndNote Web site:

Contact us