Medical Education | Health Professions Education

Search the catalogue and databases

Search Terms

The terms below may be helpful when searching in databases and the University of Ottawa's catalogue (Omni):

  • medical education
  • medical school
  • medical student
  • medical college
  • undergraduate medical education
  • graduate medical education
  • medical residen*
  • medical internship
  • residen*
  • health profession* education


Sample Search

Here is a sample search on this topic entered into the library's catalogue (OMNI). You can access OMNI from the library's home page


Common database search operators

Quotation marks -- " "

e.g. "public health" (will retrieve documents that contain this exact phrase)

Truncation -- *

e.g. Canad* (will retrieve documents that contain Canada, Canadian, Canadians, canadien, etc.)

Wildcards -- ?

e.g. wom?n (will retrive documents that contain woman or women)

Please note that operators and search syntax may vary from database to database: consult specific database help pages for more information.

Key databases


This list provides a snapshot of key medical education journals.  For a comprehensive list, please consult A List of High-Impact Medical Education Journals compiled by the Osmosis Team.


A list of high-impact medical education journals - osmosis. (n.d.). Retrieved August 12, 2022, from

Faculty Development Office McGill University. (2016, August 25). Medical Education Journals . Retrieved August 12, 2022, from