Research for Technical Report Writing

PubMed Search Tutorials

Below we have included a series of short screencast searching tutorials. These videos have been designed to help guide you through the process of searching in PubMed, from accessing the resource, all the way to retrieving and downloading a copy of an article. 

Due to the fact that the screencasts capture the presenter's entire screen, we recommend that you maximize the size of the video player to ensure that you can see all of the details. If the video appears blurry, increase the quality under the video's Youtube settings. 

All of the videos below have been created and recorded by Karine Fournier, Research Librarian in Health Sciences and Medicine at the uOttawa Health Sciences Library.


1. How to Access PubMed

In this first video in the series, we show you how to access PubMed. While PubMed is available to the public, by accessing it through the University of Ottawa Library you are recognized as being affiliated with uOttawa, giving you full access to the materials within our subscription. 


2. Running a Simple Search in PubMed

In this video, we introduce you to the PubMed interface and walk you step-by-step through the process of running a simple search.  


3. Running an Advanced Search in PubMed

In your assignments, you will need to run searches that are more complex and detailed then a simple search. Here, we take you step-by-step through the process of running an advanced search in PubMed. 


This level of search complexity should support most of the searches that you will need to run throughout the first few years of your undergraduate degree. As you continue towards the end of your undergraduate degree, or continue onto graduate studies, you may want to learn how to make your searches even more complex and specific to be able to adequately address your research needs. To do so, please visit your subject-specific guide and/or talk to your librarian. 


4. Using Filters in PubMed

Once you have run your search and retrieved results, you can use filters to limit and refine those results to those that are the most relevant for your research needs. This video shows you the filters available in PubMed and how to apply them. 


5. Obtaining Full-Text Articles from PubMed 

Now that you have refined your results and have some articles in your results list that you would like to use, you need to know how to access the full-text version. Follow the steps in this video to learn how to read an article online and download it as a PDF.