Ressources cartographiques

Africa | Afrique

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Africa | Afrique

Id #

Titre | Title

Échelle | Scale


Cote | Call #


- Africa 1;7,000,000 FOLIO (LC) G 8200 1980.N3
243 Afrique occidentale & équatoriale 1:4,500,000 ANNEX W 7000 n.d. 1:4,500 44x37in
117 Afrika 1:5,000,000a ANNEX W 7000 n.d. 1:5,000a Shows part of europe & southwest Asia, relief and political divisions
118 Afrika 1:5,000,000b ANNEX W 7000 n.d. 1:5,000b Shows relief and political divisions 72x45in
244 Afrika Reliefkarte: physical-political 1:6,000,000 ANNEX W 7000 n.d. 1:6,000a 44x36in x15x13in
245 Afrique 1:7,500,000a ANNEX W 7000 n.d. 1:7,500a 40x30in Inc. Gulf of Guinea countries
333 Africa 1:6,000,000 ANNEX W 7000 1961, 1:6,000 Also inc.Middle East+ southern Europe
- North-west Africa 1:5,000,000 FOLIO (W) W 7000 1968, 1:5,000 136x127cm
246 Africa relief of land, political, commuinication 1:9,000,000 ANNEX W 7000 1970, 1:9,000
311 Political Africa 1: 7,100,000 ANNEX W 7000 1999, 1;7,100 136x127cm
247 Afrika 1:6,000,000 ANNEX W 7000 1971, 6,000 69x64in Shows relief and political divisions
119 Mittel-und Sudafrika 1: 3,000,000 ANNEX W 7000 1972, 1:3,000 75x84in Shows relief and political divisions
- Carte géologique de l'Afrique 1: 8,000,000 FOLIO (LC) G 8201.C5 1933.K3
120 Geological map of Africa 1:5,000,000 ANNEX W 7006.C1 1977a, 1:5,000
121 Afrique/cartographie et impression 1:6,000,000 ANNEX W 7006.C3 1963, 1:6,000 Carte physique de l'Afrique qui inclus la région de la Méditerranée et le Moyen-Orient
- Africa-climate 1:20,000,000 FOLIO (W) W 7006.D 1973, 1:20,000 44x37in
122 Afrika-Klima und vegetation 1:12,000,000 ANNEX W 7006.D.F 1971, 12,000 8 climate graphs 68x86in
309 africa natural vegetation 1:9,000,000 ANNEX W 7006.F1 1968, 1:9,000 44x37in
- Africa- density of population 1: 9,000,000 FOLDER W 7006.G41 1956, 1:9,000 44x36in
248 Africa density of population 1:9,000,000 ANNEX W 7006.G41 1968, 1:9,000 44x37in
123 Africa-Europe economic map 1:5,000,000 ANNEX W 7006.H (198-) 1:5,000 77x63in Shows land use, agriculture, mines and minerals, industries
- africa commercial develpment 1:9,000,000 FOLIO (W) W 7006.H1 1964, 1:9,000 42x37in
124 Map of mineral ressources of Africa 1:5,000,000 ANNEX W 7006.K1-4 1980, 1:5,000
249 Philips' smaller school-room map of Africa 1:9,000,000 ANNEX W 7006.Q1 1967 1:9,000 Situation au 1er septembre 1972
250 Afrique, carte politique 1:10,000,000 ANNEX W 7006.Q1 1972, 1:10,000,000 46x40in
- Afrique: carte politique: situation au 1er septembre 1972 1:10,000,000 BIN W 7006.Q1 1972, 1:10,000,000 Shows part of Europe and southwest Asia
312 Afrika: die Koloniale aufteilung bis 1939 1:7,000,000 ANNEX W 7006.Q2 n.d. 1:7,000 66x55in
125 Afrika, koloniale aufteilung 1:5,000,000 ANNEX W 7006.Q2 1965, 1:5,000 Shows dates of independance, boundary changes,etc
126 Afrika: die neuen Staaten nach 1945 1:7,000,000 ANNEX W 7006.Q2 1969, 1:7,000 67x55in
127 Afrika von der Kolonisation bis zur unabhangigkeit 1:6,000,000 ANNEX W 7006.Q3 1970, 1:6,000 Insets show 1824, 1824-1914, 1950,1969
128 Africa 1:8,200,000 ANNEX W 7006.T9 (1) ca1895, 1:8,200 pol. Boundaries ca. 1895
310 Exploration and partition of Africa: (1884-1921) 1: 12,038,400 ANNEX W 7006. T9(1)/(3) (196-?) 1:12,038,400 72x63in
- Partition of Africa to 1935 s.v FOLIO (W) W 7006.T9 (1)/(3) 1967 s.v 36x44in
- Africa 1:12,000,000 FOLIO (W) W 7006.T9(4)/(5) 1967, 1:12,000 36X26in INC. Middle East
- Stanford's general map of the north-east Africa 1:5,500,000 BIN W 7100 1964, 1:5,000 35x47in
129 Northern Africa 1:3,000,000 ANNEX W 7100 1968, 1:3,000 62x101in Shows important mineral resources, relief asnd political divisions, inc. Northwest Atlantic Coast and Gulf of Guinea countries
- Egypt, the Sinai Peninsula and the promised land 1:600,000 FOLDER W 7126.T3 1942, 1:600 Bible landa
251 Nigeria 1:1,400,000 ANNEX W 7450 1971, 1:1,400 Nigeria
252 Congo belge 1:2,500,000 ANNEX W 7550 n.d. 1;2,500
340 Middle and South Africa 1:3,000,000 ANNEX W 7600 1966, 1:3,000 63x83in.
- Philips' regional wall map of East Africa 1:2,000,000 FOLIO (W) W 7700 1966, 1:2,000 46X37 in.