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World & world regions | Monde & régions du monde

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World & world regions | Monde & régions du monde

Id #

Titre | Title

Échelle | Scale


Cote | Call#


324 Planisphère physique 1:15,000,000 ANNEX W 9000 n.d. 1:15,000 31x35in
133 U.S Air Force physical-political global chart of the world 1;10,500,000 ANNEX W 9000 1967, 1:10,500 Shows great circle distance etc.. Polar stereographic projection
134 World, physical 1;15,000,000 ANNEX W 9000 1970, 15,000 55x94in
135 Relief-like map of the world 1:15,000,00 ANNEX W 9000 1972, 15,000 Also shows ocean currents 65x96in
136 World 1:25,000,000 ANNEX W 9000 1973, 1:25,000 Also shows ocean currents 42x63in
- The world 1:28,500,000 FOLIO (LC) G 3200 1995.M3 -
326 Nystrom political map, world 1:25,705,000 ANNEX W 9000 1994, 1:25,705 Insets: Climates - Landforms and ice caps - Natural vegetation
- National Atlas of Canada Base map 1:35,000,000 FOLIO (LC) G 3200 1993.C3 -
- Le monde 1:24,000,000 FOLIO (LC) G 3200 1993.F6 -
- The world 1:14,100,000 FOLIO (LC) G 3200 1990.E3 -
- The world s.v FOLIO (LC) G 3200 1981.N3 -
137 World Geology 1:15,000,000 ANNEX W 9006.C1 1969, 1:15,000 55x94in
138 The structural elements of the Earth 1:18,000,000 ANNEX W 9006.C1 1969, 1:18,000 52x79in
- Le monde - FOLIO (LC) G 3201.C2 1985.M6 -
- Surface of the Earth: a computergenerated image of color-shaded relief 1:40,000,0000 FOLIO (LC) G 3201.C2 1994.N3 -
- Landforms of the world 1: 50,000,000 FOLIO (W) W 9006.C31 1968, 1:50,000 -
139 Erd tektonik 1:15,000,000 ANNEX W 9006.C4 1969, 1:15,000 66x94in
- The bedrock geology of the World s.v FOLIO (LC) G 3201.C5 1985.B4 c.2 35x43in 15x12in
- Philips' series comparative wall atlases: World relations annual rainfall & range of temperature with July currents 1:40,000,000 1:28,000,000 FOLIO (LC) G 3201.C8 1956 -
- World-relations density of population 1: 40,000,000 FOLIO (W) W 9006.D 1964, 1:40,000 78x100cm
- World relations: Climate, May 1-Oct 31 1:40,000,000 FOLIO (W) W 9006.D 1967, 1:40,000 #1 78x100cm
- World relations: Climate, Nov.1- April 30 1:40,000,000 FOLIO (W) W 9006.D 1967, 1:40,000 #2 35x44in 15x12in
- world relations temperature 1:40,000,000 FOLIO (W) W 9006.D 1967,1:40,000 #3 35x44in 15x12in
- World relations: annual rainfall and range of temperature & July currents 1: 40,000,000 FOLDER W 9006.DE33 1959,1:40,000 136x127cm
- World relations: annual rainfall and range of temperature & July currents 1:40,000,000 FOLIO (W) W 9006.DE33 1965, 1:40,000 35x44in 15x12in
- World-relations: Temperature 1:40,000,000 FOLDER W 9006.D2 1961, 1:40,000 166x120cm
140 Klima der Erde= Climate of the Earth 1:16,000,000 ANNEX W 9006.D6 n.d. 1:16,000,000 58x83in
253 Les climats du Monde- Classification s.v ANNEX W 9006.D6 1984 1:27m 32x44in
313 Langues et Religions du Monde - ANNEX W 9006 .E3 2000 .C3 2 maps
141 Vegetationsgebiete der Erde 1:18,000,000 ANNEX W 9006.F1 1967, 1:18,000 53x79in
- World relations: natural vegetation with January currents 1:40,000,000 FOLIO (W) w 9006.F1E33 1966, 1:40,000 77x102cm Shows population density and principal railways and shipping routes
315 Ancient world race distribution about 250 BC 1: 13,375,000 ANNEX W 9006.G1+T1-6 1968, 1:13,375,000 39x54in
316 Unwilling immigrants, 1600-1808 1:10,000,000 ANNEX W 9006.G2 1991, 1:10,000 37x49in 13x11in
- World relations, density of population 1:40,000,000 FOLDER W 9006.G41 1960, 1:40,000 Shows manufacturing, trades routes, agricultural systems and products, forest areas, mining and minerals, major economic centres, and limits of drift ice
142 The world-density of population 1;15,000,000 ANNEX W 9006.G4 1966, 1:15,000 58x92in
254 Karte der Religionen und Missionen der Erde 1;23,000,000 ANNEX W 9006.G6 1964, 1:23,000 -
143 Wirtschaft der Erde 1: 15,000,000 ANNEX W 9006.H n.d. 1:15,000 Some of the information 1948-1951 average; most later than that
- Industrialization of the world 1:34,000,000 FOLDER W 9006.H 19--, 1:34,000 37x44in
144 Bergbau-und Industriegebiete der Erde 1;15,000,000 ANNEX W 9006.H 1967, 1:15,000 56x94in
325 Economy of the world 1:12,000,000 ANNEX W 9006.H (1990), 1:12,000 shows transportation 40x44in
- Le monde au début du Xxe siècle: L'Europe au début du Xxe siècle 1:25,000,000 BIN W 9006.H (2002), 1:25,000 2 cartes sur 1 feuille
- Predominant world economics 1:28,861,000 FOLIO (W) W 9006.H1 1967, 1:28,861 33x43in
- Land utilization 1:40,000,000 FOLIO (W) W 9006.H3 1966, 1:40,000 Political world (1951,1963)
145 The world: sea-borne trade and shipping routes 1:20,000,000 ANNEX W 9006.H4 1964, 1:20,000 55x84in
146 world, economic and educational status 1:25,000,000 ANNEX W 9006.H5+G9 (1965) 1966, 1:25,000 83x55in Rich and poor contries, occupational structure of the world population
255 World soils 1:28,861,000 ANNEX W 9006.M1 n.d. 1:28,861 36x44in, Inset show Central Europe and Near East Mandates
147 Die landschaftsgurtel der Erde 1:20,000,000 ANNEX W 9006.M2 1967, 1:20,000 50x83in
- Air age world 1:34,434,782 FOLIO (W) W 9006.P4 1966, 1:34,434,782 38x50in 13x11in
148 Communication facilities of the world 1:25,000,000 ANNEX W 9006.P8 1958, 1:25,000 42x64in
149 The changing political world 1:25,000,000 ANNEX W 9006.Q1 (1937/1966) 1966, 1:25,000 83x55in Colonial organization of the world 1937, Achievement of independence 1937-1957, Achievement of independence 1958-1956
150 International organizations 1:25,000,000 ANNEX w 9006.Q2 1967, 1:25,000 83x55in Political associations, defense organizations, economic grouping
- League of Nations, 1920-1930: with subsequent changes noted 1:38,000,000 FOLIO (W) W 9006.Q2 1967, 1:38,000 37x49in 13x11in
- Colonial powers 1783 1:34,000,000 FOLDER W 9006.Q8 19-- 1:34,000 37x44in
151 Changing ways of living 3000 BC-AD1 1:50,688,000 ANNEX W 9006.T1-6 1957, 1:50,668 43x64in The world in 3000BC, 1500BC, 500BC AD1
- Cradles of world civilization 1:4,400,000 FOLDER W 9006.T2 19-- 1:4,400 33x46in
- geographical Knowlwdgw in antiquity: (900B.C-100A.D) s.v FOLIO (W) W 9006.T3/5 (197-) s.v 37x49in 13x11in
- Age of discovery 1492-1580 1:38,016,000 BIN W 9006.T7 (1492/1580) 1966, 1:38,016 natiral vegetation 80x150cm
- Les grandes découvertes s.v FOLIO (W) W 9006.T7 n.d. n.s. 34x44in
152 A century of world exploration 1480-1580 1:31,680,000 ANNEX W 9006.T7 n.d. 1:31,680 39x57in
- Age of discovery and trade expansion 1: 34,800,000 FOLDER W 9006.T7H4 19-- 1:34,800 Includes chart showing new nations' year of Independence; Remains of empires 2000
317 Les grandes explorations et les découvertes fu Xve au XIXe siècle 1:36,000,000 ANNEX W 9006.T7/9 (1) (197-?) 1:36,000 34x46in Inc. Routes of Captain Cook's three voyages
256 Colonial powers, 1783: of the world 1:33,580,800 ANNEX W 9006.T8 (195-?), 1:33,580,800 36x46in World Ferdinand Verbiest
153 Die Welt im 17. Und 18. Jahrhundert 1:18,000,000 ANNEX W 9006.T8 , 1:18,000 1966 48x76in World in 17th-18th Centuries
257 Ferdinand Verbiest: World map, Peking, 1674 n.s ANNEX W 9006.T8 (197-) n.s Les percées alpines; Suez et Panama; Europe occidentale et central
314 Le monde à la fin du XVIIe siècle 1:25,000,000 ANNEX W 9006.T8 1999, 1:25,000 -
- The world in 1914 1:38,000,000 FOLIO (W) W 9006.T9 1967, 1:38,000 7insets show: India 1858 and Russo-Japanese War 1904-5
330 A century of change: Colonial empires, 1900; The world today, 2000 1:31,680,000 ANNEX W 9006.T9 2001, 1:31,680 A. Europe 1914, Western fronts, the nations at war, the league of nations
258 Le développement économique depuis le XIXe siècle jusqu'en 1914: (du monde) 1:36,000,000 ANNEX W 9006.T9(1)H (196-?), 1:36,000 36x44in
- United States as a world power after Spanish American war: colonial possessions and mandates after world war 1:7,600,000 FOLDER W 9006.T9(1)Q2 19-- 1:7,600 97x127cm
- The world war v.s FOLDER W 9006.T9 (2) 19-- v.s 37x50in 13x11in
- World 1918-1937 1:38,000,000 FOLIO (W) W 9006.T9 (3) 1966, 1:38,000 91x122cm
- La seconde guerre mondiale 1:5,000,000 FOLIO (W) W 9006.T9 (4) 1991, 1:5,000 -
- The World in 1914 1:3,400,000 FOLIO (W) W 9006.T9(3) (198-), 1:3,400 Political world map showing colonial powers
- World War II 1:34,000,000 FOLDER W 9006.T9(4) (199-), 1:34,000 -
259 World History 1:34,000,000 ANNEX W 9006.T9(4) (1990?), 1:34,000 -
- Alexander's Empire 1:5,068,800 FOLIO (W) W 9106.T3 n.d. 1:5,068,800 44x37in
154 Das Romische Reich v.s ANNEX W 9106.T4 1968 v.s. 77x83in
- Le monde romain 1;4,000,000 BIN W 9106.T6 n.d. 1:4,000 44x36in x15x13in
155 Imperium Populi Romani ab Anno CCXLI 1:3,500,000 ANNEX W 9106.T6 1966, 1:3,500 -
260 Imperium Romanum 1:3,000,000 ANNEX W 9106.T6 1967, 1:3,000 phy-pol 69x62in
164 Eurasie 1:7,500,000 ANNEX W 9140 n.d. 1:7,500 Montre le relief et les divisions politiques
165 Eastern continents 1:12,000,000 ANNEX W 9140 1966, 1:12,000 68x62in phy-pol
167 Eurasie 1:6,000,000 ANNEX W 9140 1968, 1:6,000b 86x82in
169 Australia and the Philippines 1:4,752,000 ANNEX W 9160 1949, 1:4,752 Shows New Zealand & Western Pacific
169 Australia and the Philippines 1:4,752,000 ANNEX W 9160 1949, 1:4,752 Shows New Zealand & Western Pacific
- Philip's wall map of Australia and Eastern Asia 1:10,000,000 FOLIO (W) W 9160 1966, 1:10,000 71x47in
- World War II in the Pacific 1:14,900,000 FOLDER W 9506.T94 19-- 1:14,900 44x44in