

Provide text alternatives, alt-text, for any non-text content. This includes images, symbols, animations, etc. Alt-text provides a textual description of images and graphics. The alt-text is read by a screen reader. If alt-text is not provided, a screen reader will either read the file name associated with the image or ignore it as if it doesn't exist.

Create alt-text in your LibGuide by going to the text editor and filling out the Alt Tag field on the Insert/edit Image screen.

Screenshot of Insert/Edit Image form

How to Create Good Alternate Text

  • Alt-text descriptions should be as accurate and as succinct as possible.
  • Consider the content and function of your image.
  • Information such as filename or file type should not be included in the alt-text.
  • Do not use “Image of...” or “Graphic of...” as alt text. Screen readers will state image and then read the alt-text.
  • However, if it is a screen shot, indicate "Screen shot of..."
  • Do not repeat the information which is contained in the document itself into the alt-text. If it's already in the document, that should be enough.
  • Describe images that include text.
  • Remember that screen readers always read the alt-text, so image-heavy pages take a long to read using a screen reader.