EU Bookshop -- The publications portal that lists all free and for-sale publications of the European Union institutions and agencies as well as other decentralised bodies of the EU dealing with publications.
Find-eR -- A tool for searching multiple EU library resources in one interface. It includes the European Commission Library collections, plus millions of online full-text journal articles and eBooks.
ECLAS -- Catalogue of the European Commission's Central Library. A comprehensive collection of EU publications in all European languages.
ARCHISplus -- Database of the Historical Archives of the European Commission that contains references to files of European institutions from their beginnings to today. At present the database includes references to files of the High Authority of the ECSC, the ECSC Consultative Committee and the Committee of Four Presidents, Euratom, the European Economic Commission and the Commission of the European Communities for the period ranging from 1952 to 1977.
Europeana -- Digital library of European cultural collections.
Oxford Handbook of the European Union [Online]
Historical Dictionary of the European Union Call number: MRT GEN JN 15 .R75 2006
Historical Dictionary of the European Community Call number: MRT GEN JN 15 .D56 1993
A Dictionary of the European Union Call number: MRT GEN JN 30 .P55 2013
Serving the European Union : A Citizen's Guide to the Institutions of the European Union Call number: MRT Gov Pubs ZZ EM1 99S22
Eurojargon : A Dictionary of European Union Acronyms, Abbreviations and Sobriquets Call number: MRT REF HC 241.2 .E775 2000
Mille termes pour comprendre l'Union européenne après l'introduction de l'euro Call number: MRT GEN JN 30 .R35 2003
Dictionnaire critique de l'Union européenne Call number: MRT GEN JN 30 .D4885 2008
Les mots de l'Europe : lexique de l'intégration européenne Call number: MRT GEN JN 30 .G735 2001
Glossary of the European Union [ebook]