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Suggested OER:
Rethinking Canadian Aid, Second Edition
Edited by Stephen Brown (University of Ottawa), Molly den Heyer (St. Francis Xavier University and Dalhousie University) and David R. Black (Dalhousie University) 2016 CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
This revised edition not only analyzes Canada’s past development assistance, it also highlights important new opportunities in the context of the recent change in government. Designed to reach a variety of audiences, contributions by twenty scholars and experts in the field offer an incisive examination of Canada’s record and initiatives in Canadian foreign aid, including its relatively recent emphasis on maternal and child health and on the extractive sector, as well as the longer-term engagement with state fragility. This book is essential reading for anyone interested in Canada’s changing role in the world.
Suggested for:
DVM 3140 International Development Funding (3 units)
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