Citation management

What is citation management

Citation management allows you to collect, organize, annotate, share and cite books, articles, videos, theses, book chapters, reports, government publications, Web sites as well as many other sources of information easily and effectively.

Citation management tools, also known as citation managers, bibliographic managers or reference managers, also make it simpler to cite references within assignments, research papers, articles and theses, and to create bibliographies using an array of citation styles.

This guide provides information on the following citation managers:

Citation manager comparison chart

Zotero Mendeley EndNote Basic EndNote Desktop
Free Yes Yes Yes No
Desktop version Yes Yes No Yes
Web-based access (in some cases, online storage may be limited) Yes Yes Yes Yes
Mobile Yes Yes No Yes
French-language option Yes No No No
Everyday use Zotero Mendeley EndNote Basic EndNote Desktop
Import from databases (in some cases, might not always work well) Yes Yes Yes Yes
Import from Web pages Yes Yes Yes Yes
Import from PDF Yes Yes No Yes
Attach files (ex. PDFs) Yes Yes Yes Yes
Create a bibliography Yes Yes Yes Yes
Word processor plugin Yes Yes Yes Yes
Number of citation styles available 8400+ 8000+ 3400+ 6000+
Ability to edit citation style Yes Yes No Yes
Export citations to Excel Yes Yes Yes Yes
Duplicate feature Yes upon import Yes Yes
Syncing, collaborating and sharing Zotero Mendeley EndNote Basic EndNote Desktop
Access on multiple devices Yes Yes Yes Yes
Offline access Yes Yes No Yes
Collaborative group work or sharing citations Yes Yes Yes Yes

This table was updated on Feb. 1st, 2025

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