Tumble Book Library provides online access to animated, talking picture books, novels, non-fiction books, foreign language titles, read-alongs, videos from National Geographic, games, resources for teachers and students, and more. Tumble Book Library can be used in the classroom, which means that you can integrate books and more as part of your teaching strategies.
Can-Core AV offers a collection of videos produced in Canada on diverses issues related to the K-12 curriculum. Of note, this content can be used in the classroom.
The collection of the Faculty of Education Resource Centre (FERC) supports the Teacher Education programs. It is intended for classroom use during the academic year, and in the summer months by teachers in the additional qualifications programs. The Centre provides faculty with the instructional material necessary to support programs offered at the Faculty in both French and English.
The bilingual collection is developed to support the Ontario's K-12 curriculum guidelines and includes textbooks, curriculum guides, professional literature, non-print material such as audio-visual material, kits and manipulatives, periodicals and reference works. The Centre also houses a comprehensive children's collection of fiction and non-fiction material.