Teacher education

This guide includes print, electronic and web resources relevant to Teacher Education.

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Tips on how to get full-text of articles

Begin your search from the library homepage to ensure you are accessing resources via the proxy server. All e-journal access is controlled by IP recognition and the proxy server (especially when accessing the resources from off-campus) facilitates recognition.

  1.         Use the links to full-text found in some databases (ERIC, Academic Search Complete, PsycInfo, etc…)The inability to get access to an article via   the links provided in a database does not necessarily mean that full-text access is unavailable. Proceed to tips 3-5.
  2.         Check the E-Journals (A-Z) list for the title of the journal.
  3.         Check the Library Catalogue for the title of the journal.
  4.         Check the Publisher’s Website (you can usually find it using Google). You must be on campus or logged in from off-campus for this tip to be useful.
  5.         Please Contact the library if you discover that an e-journal link is not working. Access can often be restored in a very short period of time.

Afficher ! Get it!

“Get it!” is a library service which links database citations to full-text articles (if available) and other related resources available from the University of Ottawa Library.

Why use the “Get it!” button?

  •     View the full-text of the article if the library has a subscription
  •     Automatically search the library catalogue to see if the library has the journal or book
  •     Access other library services (Ask a Question, ILL, etc)
  •     Save and format the citation in RefWorks

How to find the full-text

  1.     Look for links such as HTML, PDF, full- text to access the article you want.
  2.     Use (when available as a button or a link) to see if you get closer to the full text.
  3.     Check the Ejournals (A-Z) list for the electronic version of the journal (we may not have earlier issues).
  4.     Double check the catalogue for either the print or electronic version of the journal you need.
  5.     If you need an article from a print volume/issue & the catalogue says Annex, you can use free article delivery to your email.
  6.     Order the article using the RACER (InterLibrary Loan) system at NO cost to you.