Once you are ready to publish your systematic review, you need to consider several factors before dissemination. The University of Ottawa has a scholarly communications page that can help you navigate these factors such as how to make your systematic review open access, including open access policies that coincide with the Tri-Agency Open Access Policy (NSERC, CIHR, SSHRC).
uO Research is University of Ottawa's digital repository for research and teaching materials created by the university community and its affiliated partners. It provides open and permanent access to uOttawa scholarship thereby ensuring its wide dissemination and increased visibility online, including meeting the requirements for the Tri-Agency Open Access Policy.
The University of Ottawa Library offers financial support for open access publishing:
As a final double check to ensure that your systematic review has met all the criteria for publication, you should consult the PRISMA statement, ensuring that the checklist and flowchart have all been filled out appropriately.
When considering a publication venue (such as a journal) for your systematic review, there are a few factors that you may want to consider.
JANE is a free online tool that can be used to find articles that are similar to the abstract, title, or keywords you input into it. It includes papers with abstracts published in the last ten years. Have you recently written a paper, but you're not sure to which journal you should submit it? Or maybe you want to find relevant articles to cite in your paper? Or are you an editor, and do you need to find reviewers for a particular paper? Jane can help!
There are many journals in which you can publish your systematic review, depending on your research topic. Here is a list by discipline (not exhaustive):