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Nursing and Nurse Practitioners


Finding relevant articles for your research project can be challenging. To overcome some of these challenges, explore the contents below:

Search operators

Use search operators to develop a more efficient search strategy. Common ones are listed below. 

Quotation marks -- " "

e.g. "public health" (will retrieve documents that contain this exact phrase)

Boolean operators -- AND, OR, 

e.g. diabetes AND children (will retrieve documents that contain both keywords)

e.g. diabetes OR children (will retrieve documents that contain one or both keywords)

Truncation -- *

e.g. Canad* (will retrieve documents that contain Canada, Canadian, Canadians, canadien, etc.)

Wildcards -- ?

e.g. wom?n (will retrive documents that contain woman or women)


Key databases

Below, are key databases that can be used to locate articles on your research topic.  

Depending on your topic, consider browsing other research guides to help identify other relevant databases.

Video Tutorial

Learn how to search Medline(Ovid) more efficiently by:

  • locating and using subject headings,
  • using keywords,
  • applying limits.


Get full-text articles

Finding full-text articles can be challenging. The steps below may be helpful. Try the first step and if unsuccessful, proceed to the next and so forth.


  1. Begin your search in OMNI, the library's catalogue, to ensure you are accessing resources via the proxy server. All e-journal access is controlled by IP recognition and the proxy server (especially when accessing resources from off-campus) facilitates recognition.
    • Access full-text articles from the provide link of your search results, if available. If it is not available try the steps below


  2. If you are using a citation manager, such as Zotero or Endnote ensure that you have the "retrieve full-text" functionality installed. See citation manger libguide for details. If this functionality is set up:
    • Add the your article to the citation manager, it should either retrieve the full-text automatically or 
    • You will have to manually use the  "retrieve full-text" functionality (in Zotero it is called "library lookup".)


  3. Search for the article title in Google Scholar/Google


  4. Check the E-Journals (A-Z) list for journal title. If your journal title is found:
    • Follow the steps to go the journal's webpage 
    • Look for the volume and issue of the article
    • Search for the title of the article


  5. Put in a request to get the article via inter-library loan