
Creating a Covidence review

To create a new review in Covidence:

  • You need to first sign in here
  • Select to 'Create a New Review' and follow the prompts.
  • When asked 'Which account...", select "University of Ottawa". (This will enable you to invite multiple co-reviewers.)

Establishing settings

Once you have created a review, it's time to visit the Settings.

Here you can:

  • Invite others (including co-reviewers) to your review.
  • Enter keywords, which will then be highlighted in your the title or abstract.
  • Determine team roles for screening.
  • Establish exclusion criteria for the second level of screening.

See the full range of Settings and learn how to use them by watching the below video:

Importing to Covidence

You're now ready to import your references from your citation manager:

  1. Select Import studies > Import to Screen.
  2. 'Browse' and select the .txt or .ris file exported from your citation manager.
  3. Select 'Import'. 

You should always save your references in your citation manager before uploading them into Covidence. Our citation management guide can help you decide which citation manager to use, and you can find the instructions for importing references to your preferred citation manager below: 

Endnote (desktop version)

Endnote Basic (online version)



Checking duplicates

After completing your reference import, Covidence will search for duplicates. If any are identified, these will automatically be suppressed and a 'Duplicates' button will appear.

You can check that Covidence De-duplicated correctly by:

  • Selecting the Duplicates button.
  • Compare Side-by-Side entries.
  • If you identify a false duplicate, select 'Not a Duplicate' next to that record.
  • Actual duplicates require no further action.