Chemical Engineering

SciFinder Scholar - Key database

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Scifinder Scholar is a database specialized in chemistry, chemical engineering, biochemistry, medicine, materials sciences, pharmaceutical sciences and related disciplines.

SciFinder can only be accessed through an on-campus internet connection or by using the uOttawa VPN (available for staff and graduate students). To access the database SciFinder Scholar you must register for an individual account using your uOttawa e-mail address. 

Search Tips:

  • SciFinder uses natural language processing algorithm therefore in place of Boolean operators use conjunctions and prepositions to highlight the relationship between keywords.
    • Limit your searches to 2-3 key concepts, you can always refine your search on the results screen
  • OR is parenthetical: synthesis (preparation)
  • Truncation and wildcard symbols are not used.  
  • Sample search strategy: 
    • Shape (morphology) of colloidal nanoparticles (colloidal nanocrystals)

Key Databases