For more information, contact the Health Sciences Library.
Access - by McGraw Hill (AccessMedicine, AccessAnesthesiology, AccessPharmacy & AccessSurgery) Take the Access library with you wherever you go—easy access to books, videos, images, podcasts, personalized features, and more. Instructions You will need to create a free Access Profile if you don't already have one. To create an account go to any Access database, click on My Profile at the top right corner of the screen and click Sign in or create a free access profile. Use the same username/password to sign in the App. If you are off campus, you will have a 7days access after which you will need to connect to the University of Ottawa wifi network every 90 days to maintain your access. |
Conseils / Tip Sheets
You will need to create an account in DynaMed. Click on the login account icon at the top right corner of the screen and click "Register now". Use the same username/password to sign in the App
Conseils / Tip Sheets
Conseils / Tip Sheets
To obtain the institutional ID and password, you will need to access Isabel and follow the instruction in the box "Isabel on your mobile".
On your device, go to:, save the shortcut to your home screen. Click on the icon – select ‘login’ and enter your institutional ID and password, check ‘remember me’ to save login details.
Medscape Your go-to medical resource to get immediate clinical answers. With Medscape, you get free access to the latest news, expert commentary, clinical tools, drugs and disease information, medical podcasts, CME/CE activities, and more. Medscpape (on the web) is available in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese and Dutch. |
Merck Manual This useful medical reference app covers etiology, pathophysiology, and options for evaluation and treatment within all major medical and surgical specialties. Topics written and updated regularly by more than 350 academic physicians. For more information, visit the Merck Manual website. Also available in French, Chinese, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish