Newspapers and News Sources

Use this guide to find news sources at the library and beyond.
Questions? Do not hesitate to contact me via email:


Toronto Star (founded in 1892)

The Globe and Mail (founded in 1844)

La Presse (founded in 1884)

Montreal Gazette (founded in 1785)

National Post (founded in 1998; formerly Financial Post)

Ottawa Citizen (founded in 1845)

Le Devoir (founded in 1910)

Le Droit (founded in 1913)

Winnipeg Free Press (founded in 1872)



The Wall Street Journal (founded in 1889)

The New York Times (founded in 1851)

The Financial Times (founded in 1888) (news agency operating since 1990)

USA Today (founded in 1982)

The Guardian (founded in 1821)

The Times (founded in 1785)

Le Parisien (founded in 1944)

  • 1998 – present full text available via

Le Figaro (founded in 1826)

Le Monde (founded in 1944)

This research guide by Téa Rokolj is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0