Health Statistics

  Download Beyond 20/20

To download the Beyond 20/20 viewer, access the Beyond 20/20 software support page  and follow the screen instructions. 

  Advanced statistical extractors

Health Indicators (Statistics Canada version) 
Source: Statistics Canada and CIHI data.

  Vital statistics via CANSIM at E-STAT

  1. Select one of the Vital Statistics Databases below (example, Birth Database) - note these can also be found on CANSIM on E-STAT
3231 Vital Statistics - Birth Database
3233 Vital Statistics - Death Database
3235 Vital Statistics - Divorce Database
3232 Vital Statistics - Marriage Database
3234 Vital Statistics - Stillbirth Database


   2.   Choose a table number on the right, e.g., 051-0013


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Susan Mowers
GSG, Bibliothèque Morisset Library

salle/pièce 309B