Library resources 101

This guide provides information on using reference tools at the University of Ottawa.


Subject specific

Databases with French content

Here is an informal list of sources where you will find French content:

What is "peer-review"?

A "peer reviewed" article (also called a "scholarly" or "academic" journal article) is an article that has been reviewed by other scholars (peers) working in the same field.

Not all journal articles are peer reviewed. Many databases allow you to limit your search to peer-reviewed articles.

General/multidisciplinary databases

Check whether a journal is peer-reviewed

The database Ulrich's Periodical Directory can be used to check if a journal is peer-reviewed.  Type the journal name into the search box.  Click on the title in the list of results.  If the category Refereed - Yes appears, it is a peer-reviewed journal.

Letters to the editor, comments and editorials are not peer-reviewed.

Abbreviations of periodical titles