Below are a list of subject terms you can link to in order to find books in the library collection on Aboriginal and Indigenous Law. You may notice that certain subject terms contain outdated or problematic language. These subject terms are part of the controlled vocabulary established by the Library of Congress (LC) to classify bibliographic materials and changing them is quite difficult, especially since they are linked across multiple organizations. Several groups and organizations have introduced initiatives to decolonize LC subject headings, but this is unfortunately a slow process. For more details and information, please see the library's Statement on Harmful Language in Omni.
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You've looked in the catalogue, checked the law databases including the AZIMUT, LexisNexis/Quicklaw, and Westlaw Canada and you still can't find a book or get the full-text to an article of interest?
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You can submit an interlibrary loan for books or articles not found in the library's collection.
How to submit an interlibrary loan request