Artstor: Basics and More

Generate links

For one image

You do not need to log in to your personal account in ARTstor to generate an image URL address.

Choose from the following options:

  • From the search results, select an image and choose Generate Image Link from the Share menu bar item.

  • Click on the image to open the detail view and choose Copy from the toolbar to paste the link where needed.

For a group of images

View a group of images.

  1. From the Share menu bar item, choose Generate Group Link and paste the link where needed.

Share links

Copy and paste an image or group link to an email or document. When off-campus, you will be required to log in to your ARTstor personal account or connect to ARTstor from off-campus prior to opening the link.

Cite an item

A citation can be generated from the detail page for any asset in the Artstor Digital Library. Options for citation styles are MLA (8th edition), APA (6th edition) and Chicago Style (16th edition).

Generating a Citation

  1. Click on an image to open the detail page and from the toolbar, choose cite this item.
  2. Click the copy to clipboard link under the citation type of your choice and paste wherever you need it.

About citing images

Consult the research guide on images for tips on how to cite and reference images, with MLA, Chicago, and APA style examples.